¿Quién quisiera acompañarme en esta tempestuosa noche a inhalar el humo de una flor secreta?
My voice is blind,
my hearing is mute, my sight is deaf. Art is science, mathematics is conversation, and music is something that bleeds. I am so far away that I'm inside myself. I barely notice colors unless I taste them. Not the yellows or the greens. I taste the deeper blues. The darker reds.
my hearing is mute, my sight is deaf. Art is science, mathematics is conversation, and music is something that bleeds. I am so far away that I'm inside myself. I barely notice colors unless I taste them. Not the yellows or the greens. I taste the deeper blues. The darker reds.
...una lágrima asomada
yo no pude contener.
Yo te acompaño. A veces soltar las lágrimas es liberarse de las esclavitudes del alma. Besos.